lunes, 3 de diciembre de 2012

I’d like this subject at the university this semester, because for a long time from now I haven’t talk in English or read neither. I think it’s an useful language for almost everything you can imagine (like search information on the web, or ask directions in any country you can visit), so it would be a shame to forget the English language just because I don’t apply it at all. I think that the modality of using a blog along the semester it’s a great idea because meanwhile you’re doing it you must think on words, or search definitions in internet, so your vocabulary increases. Whereas, I think the subject can be improved using interactive activities, like using music, videos (whit lyrics and subtitles in English) or acting little scenes of theater.
I think my level of English is good, in the sense that I can understand reading the language and I also can express my ideas (even if I can look like Tarzan trying to explain myself); but I continue to have some problems to understand at listening: I plan to improve those problems listening music and trying to understand the lyrics, or searching the lyrics on the web.
Outside the English class, for these days I’m not using the language very much, mostly because I’m full of things to do for the university, like finishing different works and study for a lot of evaluations. But after finishing all my responsibilities at the university, and after taking a break (like an entire week of doing nothing at all), I have in mind to see films whit subtitles in English; I think that’s the best way to learn vocabulary and improve my listening problems.
Finally, I want to say bye to all the students who had go to English 4 lesson’s this semester, and to the teacher. All of you, have a nice summer!

viernes, 16 de noviembre de 2012

If you ask me what job I would like to do, my first reaction will be to say “I don’t want a job”. In fact, I don’t like the concept of “having a job”, because I think that we are not supposed to work for somebody. I believe that we must wonder about our place in this world, in our society; where are we going?  why? I really don’t like society, and that’s why I don’t want to cooperate, in any sense, with any institution at all. I think we must start to build a new society, our society, in independence from everyone else. When I say our society, I’m not thinking about one society, but in a million of communities, all differents, all independents. In that sense, I’ll like to work the earth, to grow my one food, to build my one house, of course in cooperation with a community, composed of friends and people who think similar. To be in conditions to make this project, our first need will be a place, seeds and animals. Where we live, sadly, we can’t have access to anything without money, so, we must make the money: just enough to buy the land, seeds, animals, and some instruments that let us continue by ourselves. Of course, this is a big project, difficult to do. If I and the communities fail, I think I’ll like to write books, to incite other people to think, to make questions, to create new solutions to old problems. If everything get wrong and all my live lost sense, I would like to get a job as guardian of a natural park, and work there until I die.

viernes, 9 de noviembre de 2012

I'm depressed. At the university, the semester is near to finish, and in three or four weeks (something like that) we have to accomplish like fifteen evaluations. I just want to finish and let my mind focus in what I want, and sleep. I need some time to relax, to share with my friends. I think I'm a little bit anxious, because of all the things I must do, in a so short period. That’s why I'm smoking a lot, and also having trouble sleeping. I wonder why teachers are so disorganized, to the point that they left a lot of evaluations to the end; in fact, during almost two month we haven’t any mark at all. I want to disappear, or maybe stop the time with a watch (just like used to do a boy, who was the protagonist of a television series that I used to watch when I was a boy). When finally holidays arrives, I thing I’ll party like 24 hours non-stop, then I’ll sleep for others 24 hours. After that, I will do nothing at all, maybe for a week, just being there, eating if I'm hungry, sleeping if I'm tired, and talking with myself if I'm bored. Unfortunately, reality it’s much stronger that my imagination and I can’t escape: I must keep going and studding for a while; I hope not to die in the process. If we see the problem from a statistic point of view, most of the people, even almost everybody, survive. This fact encourages me to continue, I hope not to be the exception.  

viernes, 5 de octubre de 2012


I would talk now about the dream. In a first instance, I must clarify one point: I don`t want to talk a lot about one, two, three or a few dreams I already had, but about the act of dreaming. I am really interested about it, because if you wonder a question like "what it means?", what you really are doing is to forget a previous step, that can be traduced in the next question: "where it comes from?". It's really you that makes your owns dreams? I can't really gave an answer, but i can say a few things about it. Meanwhile you are dreaming, your brain is not really "taking a break", but the opposite: A lot of chemical and neuronal activity can be scanned and analyse. The experts of dreams, can be divided in two groups: neurological scientists in one hand, and psychologists in the other (inspired by the theories of the unconscious developed by Freud and Jung). Whatever, both of them cannot gave an satisfactory answer (in the sens of a demonstrably true), and even they are sometimes in contradiction. When you have a revelation in a dream, about things of your life (past or present, or even future), or when you talk with somebody you haven't ever seen in the "real" life, or when you are able to make some order in your feelings through a dream, this kind of question ("where it comes from?") takes on its importance.

viernes, 28 de septiembre de 2012

My best holiday

My best holiday ever was two years ago. I went with my friends (we were like 10 at the moment) to a country house near Olmué, in the V region of Chile. There, we were like a full week by our own, in the middle of nature, in a large distance from the nearest town (like an hour in car). We were friends since childhood, but in there we realized that in fact, we are a family. That's why it is the best holiday I had ever have. Some days we made barbecue, some others we cook elaborate food (one in the group studies cuisine), and some others we eat what we could (like different mixes of leftovers). Meanwhile the time was going on, we tended to sleep almost all the day, waking on the afternoon to eat something, and party all the night. We also played a lot of football (we really enjoy it) and music (we enjoy it even if we are not really good musicians), and of course there were some days we did absolutely nothing. Now, I thing that even if it was a great experience, luckily it don't last more than a week, because ours bodies would not bear a such live rhythm for a longest time; in fact, once returned to Santiago, I sleep like a full week before y could get out of my home and do something.          

A country you'd like to visit

In first place i have to say one thing: I really don't know much about others countries. Whatever it is, I've been attracted all my life by the life in the Amazons.  I had read a lot about it, like anthropological studies about primitive peoples of the area, or more recently sociological informs from the life in there. The Amazon it's a gigantic zone who include several countries from South America, including Brazil, Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, Colombia, Paraguay and Venezuela. I have a plan: I will travel trough the Amazon jungle to know, in a first person experience, how it's the life in there and to try to rescue some of the millennial knowledge cultivated there (and who it's, in a great measure, already destroy in the hands of the white culture). So, it's not a country i'd like to visit, but a hole area in the heart of South America.

viernes, 7 de septiembre de 2012

During the first term of 2012 I learnt a lot about the Chilean history at the university, and I discovered that it is much more complicated and interesting than what I tough during my time at school. I used to go to the stadium, and I did it very often during the year, even I took a bus to Rancagua to see my favorite team. 
In general, it was a good period of my life, in fact I solved a lot of family problems I had, essentially in my relationship with my parents. I’m very close to my friends, and that’s why I saw them a lot, and made different stuffs together, like playing football, drinking beer, making barbecues, climbing the mountain, traveling… almost everything that you can imagine it would be fun to do it with nice people.
I had a lot of introspective moments, that gave me nice experiences and the possibility to order my ideas inside my mind.