viernes, 28 de septiembre de 2012

My best holiday

My best holiday ever was two years ago. I went with my friends (we were like 10 at the moment) to a country house near Olmué, in the V region of Chile. There, we were like a full week by our own, in the middle of nature, in a large distance from the nearest town (like an hour in car). We were friends since childhood, but in there we realized that in fact, we are a family. That's why it is the best holiday I had ever have. Some days we made barbecue, some others we cook elaborate food (one in the group studies cuisine), and some others we eat what we could (like different mixes of leftovers). Meanwhile the time was going on, we tended to sleep almost all the day, waking on the afternoon to eat something, and party all the night. We also played a lot of football (we really enjoy it) and music (we enjoy it even if we are not really good musicians), and of course there were some days we did absolutely nothing. Now, I thing that even if it was a great experience, luckily it don't last more than a week, because ours bodies would not bear a such live rhythm for a longest time; in fact, once returned to Santiago, I sleep like a full week before y could get out of my home and do something.          

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