viernes, 28 de septiembre de 2012

A country you'd like to visit

In first place i have to say one thing: I really don't know much about others countries. Whatever it is, I've been attracted all my life by the life in the Amazons.  I had read a lot about it, like anthropological studies about primitive peoples of the area, or more recently sociological informs from the life in there. The Amazon it's a gigantic zone who include several countries from South America, including Brazil, Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, Colombia, Paraguay and Venezuela. I have a plan: I will travel trough the Amazon jungle to know, in a first person experience, how it's the life in there and to try to rescue some of the millennial knowledge cultivated there (and who it's, in a great measure, already destroy in the hands of the white culture). So, it's not a country i'd like to visit, but a hole area in the heart of South America.

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