lunes, 3 de diciembre de 2012

I’d like this subject at the university this semester, because for a long time from now I haven’t talk in English or read neither. I think it’s an useful language for almost everything you can imagine (like search information on the web, or ask directions in any country you can visit), so it would be a shame to forget the English language just because I don’t apply it at all. I think that the modality of using a blog along the semester it’s a great idea because meanwhile you’re doing it you must think on words, or search definitions in internet, so your vocabulary increases. Whereas, I think the subject can be improved using interactive activities, like using music, videos (whit lyrics and subtitles in English) or acting little scenes of theater.
I think my level of English is good, in the sense that I can understand reading the language and I also can express my ideas (even if I can look like Tarzan trying to explain myself); but I continue to have some problems to understand at listening: I plan to improve those problems listening music and trying to understand the lyrics, or searching the lyrics on the web.
Outside the English class, for these days I’m not using the language very much, mostly because I’m full of things to do for the university, like finishing different works and study for a lot of evaluations. But after finishing all my responsibilities at the university, and after taking a break (like an entire week of doing nothing at all), I have in mind to see films whit subtitles in English; I think that’s the best way to learn vocabulary and improve my listening problems.
Finally, I want to say bye to all the students who had go to English 4 lesson’s this semester, and to the teacher. All of you, have a nice summer!

1 comentario:

  1. I can not understand the conversations in English...I hope that you has a great summer!
