viernes, 9 de noviembre de 2012

I'm depressed. At the university, the semester is near to finish, and in three or four weeks (something like that) we have to accomplish like fifteen evaluations. I just want to finish and let my mind focus in what I want, and sleep. I need some time to relax, to share with my friends. I think I'm a little bit anxious, because of all the things I must do, in a so short period. That’s why I'm smoking a lot, and also having trouble sleeping. I wonder why teachers are so disorganized, to the point that they left a lot of evaluations to the end; in fact, during almost two month we haven’t any mark at all. I want to disappear, or maybe stop the time with a watch (just like used to do a boy, who was the protagonist of a television series that I used to watch when I was a boy). When finally holidays arrives, I thing I’ll party like 24 hours non-stop, then I’ll sleep for others 24 hours. After that, I will do nothing at all, maybe for a week, just being there, eating if I'm hungry, sleeping if I'm tired, and talking with myself if I'm bored. Unfortunately, reality it’s much stronger that my imagination and I can’t escape: I must keep going and studding for a while; I hope not to die in the process. If we see the problem from a statistic point of view, most of the people, even almost everybody, survive. This fact encourages me to continue, I hope not to be the exception.  

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