viernes, 16 de noviembre de 2012

If you ask me what job I would like to do, my first reaction will be to say “I don’t want a job”. In fact, I don’t like the concept of “having a job”, because I think that we are not supposed to work for somebody. I believe that we must wonder about our place in this world, in our society; where are we going?  why? I really don’t like society, and that’s why I don’t want to cooperate, in any sense, with any institution at all. I think we must start to build a new society, our society, in independence from everyone else. When I say our society, I’m not thinking about one society, but in a million of communities, all differents, all independents. In that sense, I’ll like to work the earth, to grow my one food, to build my one house, of course in cooperation with a community, composed of friends and people who think similar. To be in conditions to make this project, our first need will be a place, seeds and animals. Where we live, sadly, we can’t have access to anything without money, so, we must make the money: just enough to buy the land, seeds, animals, and some instruments that let us continue by ourselves. Of course, this is a big project, difficult to do. If I and the communities fail, I think I’ll like to write books, to incite other people to think, to make questions, to create new solutions to old problems. If everything get wrong and all my live lost sense, I would like to get a job as guardian of a natural park, and work there until I die.

viernes, 9 de noviembre de 2012

I'm depressed. At the university, the semester is near to finish, and in three or four weeks (something like that) we have to accomplish like fifteen evaluations. I just want to finish and let my mind focus in what I want, and sleep. I need some time to relax, to share with my friends. I think I'm a little bit anxious, because of all the things I must do, in a so short period. That’s why I'm smoking a lot, and also having trouble sleeping. I wonder why teachers are so disorganized, to the point that they left a lot of evaluations to the end; in fact, during almost two month we haven’t any mark at all. I want to disappear, or maybe stop the time with a watch (just like used to do a boy, who was the protagonist of a television series that I used to watch when I was a boy). When finally holidays arrives, I thing I’ll party like 24 hours non-stop, then I’ll sleep for others 24 hours. After that, I will do nothing at all, maybe for a week, just being there, eating if I'm hungry, sleeping if I'm tired, and talking with myself if I'm bored. Unfortunately, reality it’s much stronger that my imagination and I can’t escape: I must keep going and studding for a while; I hope not to die in the process. If we see the problem from a statistic point of view, most of the people, even almost everybody, survive. This fact encourages me to continue, I hope not to be the exception.