viernes, 5 de octubre de 2012


I would talk now about the dream. In a first instance, I must clarify one point: I don`t want to talk a lot about one, two, three or a few dreams I already had, but about the act of dreaming. I am really interested about it, because if you wonder a question like "what it means?", what you really are doing is to forget a previous step, that can be traduced in the next question: "where it comes from?". It's really you that makes your owns dreams? I can't really gave an answer, but i can say a few things about it. Meanwhile you are dreaming, your brain is not really "taking a break", but the opposite: A lot of chemical and neuronal activity can be scanned and analyse. The experts of dreams, can be divided in two groups: neurological scientists in one hand, and psychologists in the other (inspired by the theories of the unconscious developed by Freud and Jung). Whatever, both of them cannot gave an satisfactory answer (in the sens of a demonstrably true), and even they are sometimes in contradiction. When you have a revelation in a dream, about things of your life (past or present, or even future), or when you talk with somebody you haven't ever seen in the "real" life, or when you are able to make some order in your feelings through a dream, this kind of question ("where it comes from?") takes on its importance.